Yorkley Playgroup

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Lydney Road, Yorkley, Lydney, GL15 4RR


01594 564918

Yorkley Playgroup

Welcome to Yorkley Playgroup

  1. Key Information
  2. OFSTED Report


Our latest OFSTED report Graded us Outstanding in all areas. We were all over the moon with this grade. 


The Inspector said

"Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the playgroup. Staff plan challenging and
exciting activities that motivate and engage children superbly. Children are
extremely independent. They choose from a wide variety of toys and resources and
play well with others. "


"The inspirational manager works brilliantly with her staff team to meticulously
plan the curriculum to meet children's needs. Staff know children extremely well.
They plan experiences and activities that continually build on what children know
and can do. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or
disabilities and those who are learning to speak English as an additional
language, make excellent progress and are well prepared for future learning"



 OFsted inspection.PDFDownload
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